Monday 9 February 2015

re: life and her beauty

Dream a dream where you're alone,
In a deserted piece of land with yourself, a pair of earphones and a playlist of a lifetime.
Having to be able to embrace true forms of life can only be transcended through love,
You, my love, will experience it in your dreams.

Having to marvel upon a landscape of pure eccentricities,
Presents clear motives and incentives.
Strands of palm trees and grains of hot sand ripple through the legacy of nature and her justification for wanderlust.

As I illustrate such an image,
I'd rather you take into account of the fact that you have a reason in this world.
Never demean and apologise.
For you are your own best version of yourself,
And I trust you for each and every decision you make.

Fare thee well, my honey.
Fare thee well.

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