Sunday, 30 November 2014


As I wake to the sounds of the holy,
Divine halos elevate my soul to a point of realisation.
Twinkling rhinestones were all there were.
Having to tear can be justified.

I quickly adjourn to the outside where I erect a cigarette from my match.
As I observe my surrounding with utter ambivalence,
I start to imagine beasts having to frolick by my garden.
They nod to my presence, and their rainbow patterned skin seem to graze to the cool wind.

As my cigarette reached a point of mid-way, I blow the excretion to the full moon which had embraced me.
I realised that I should not be commiting an atrocity an such an age, I should quit while I'm still tender.

I take my last puff, and put it out.
I release my sins out to the universe and adjourn back to bed.
I go back to my slumber with pure release and utter valiance.
I am sorry for all the things I have done, and I bid the bad farewell.

the ballad of lumbering gentles

As dawn reached its time,
It was clear for the rise of the unwanted.
The unwanted needed no disturbance,
The objective was to survive till the end.

The unwanted had begun to move.
A sense of awareness could be smelt in the air.
They had reached onto the peak of the horizon,
Gazing into the Lazarus pit

The pit consists of unfathomable beings.
Beings known to have only brought about chaos and destruction,
The unwanted fear the various existences on the land they live
They intended on creating a truce, but had failed
The destructive state of mind of the other beings had triggered.

The destruction of the masses had ensued,
Many had died trying to preach goodness,
Yet the other beings were just too strong
Having ignorance to prevail

The unwanted did not want to be feared,
Instead they wanted to be loved.
An impression was created
Appearances can sometimes seem to falsely present an idea of matrimony.

The unwanted do not blame the other beings
They do not fill their thoughts with anger and hate
They instead accept their fate
As they succumb to the pulse of the masses.

The unwanted patiently wait for the day
The day when the worse will come to an end
The day when words will be used and not weapons
The very day when their children can walk freely on the ashes of their fore fathers

Until then, they wait
They do not intend to conquer or invade,
They instead embrace the expressions of the allegiance.
They wait.

Even though, the worse might come,
The unwanted dream and they will continue to dream
 The spread of enmity is the opposite of what is intended
The dream is to be embraced.
It will be embraced.

Until then,

They wait.

stainless contra

The crashing of newspapers and the crumpling of glass,
An ode to contra
Flaming thrones splattered across university halls,
Preaching a point of collision of obvious notions of insanity
All to unify a sense of predicament; sanity

Having to justify will not account to a point of peace, only judgement
You and I both know that.
The frolic of expressions twisted with youthful desires.
Understandable, I’m sure.
Is it fucking necessary?

The English way does not race up to a point of absolution
Having to stereotype is a well-versed language that is being influenced world-wide.
Deception wishes a world like ours.
No one is safe.
Political leaders attempt to chair their way into hearts with soft and confident tone.
Yet, the people obviously think they are smarter then they think.
Fucking illuminati bullshit

Blooming aggravations justify points of yearn,

Various tangents of generosity clear doubts of paradox.

chaotic conundrums

Staring blankly into solar streams,
Reveals points of retribution and solace
Blinding pupils of the masses
A blessing in disguise is what one would intend to believe.

My only regret is that I’m not with you.
I think of you as I lay dying.
Rays of sunshine are all there is
It’s all I’ve got, and it is what I shall embrace.

I grow weaker by the minute.
I pulse slower by the minute.
Every breath I take is for you.
I hope yours is the same for me.

As we cheers to the sunlight,
We understand our predicament and judgement.
I for one will nod to my freedom.
Goodbye everyone

Good luck.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

varied thoughts of an adolescent

I peer through the aisles,
Constructing structures of wonder
Triangular turmoil dribbling onto the chasm that is my love
My echoes and howls won’t mean anything,
For you do not care.

Ingénues strategically lined by the tiles,
Symbolizing eccentricity
Entwining my wonder and lust for your presence,
Exudes my ravaging cause of mine

Spherical salutations hunger the dawn of reasoning
Turquoise tantrums unleash points of happiness,
Knighted Kings sit by a ledge as an attempt to warn the likes of the masses.
Ambiguity is the emblem of deception,
It preaches the varied flavours of octagons and skulduggery presence.

Droids of the surface infiltrate the sky.
Knowledge they say, is futile and very little.
A need to expand is needed and should in fact, be accounted by the likes of many.
Justifying the accounted amount of helium and vacuum that’s present in the souls of the masses,
A sense of awareness should be vigilant and be a point of a proposed matter.

Impairing visions project an urged yearn for tangerines
Eclectic prowess xenophobes forms of desperation
A baron and baroness lift a sense of propriety
The Queen of the West however, manipulates the chains of gold and platinum for obvious selfish reasons.

 As I fog out the stains of my window,
I quickly trace the unifying lines of my fate.
Hearts and Lust help wander the soul of my mind.
It’s my retribution and cause
I am not afraid to admit it.
It is what I live for.

I am being me.
It’s who I am.

Thank You for listening.